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Who is the Lord of your life?

I realize people get heated up in politics for whatever reasons they choose. But as Christians, we are ambassadors of Christ and our behavior in every situation should reflect Christ. Resorting to name calling as others do doesn't reflect well on us. And in some cases, "others" are actually not name-calling; it is those who call themselves "christians" that are doing it. 

I know that man was given the power of choice. Eve had the power of choice and she exercised it. And so did Adam. Now, we all know how their choices affected us but they chose nevertheless. Adam, was influenced by his wife. Who in turn was influenced by the serpent. The problem is that Adam couldn't shift the blame to his wife and be absolved of any responsibility in what he did. Neither could Eve shift the responsibility to the serpent and be guiltless. They were all punished. 


The woman made me do it didn't work. Neither did blaming the serpent. I had been wanting to write about this topic and reference spouses but after seeing the news article, I realize that pastors or clergy are another influential bunch. They carry a certain kind of authority and I've seen some of it abuse it. And I'm not talking about abuse as is seen in notorious news sometimes. I'm talking about those who take the audacity to dictate the life of others including telling some people where to live, what job to do, and who to marry in some cases. Some motives are selfish and some motives are indicative of plain ignorance - they're humans who don't know any better. 

The one thing I've become very aware of a person is the power of choice God has given me. It is up to me to exercise it wisely. It's use is my responsibility and not the responsiblity of another. I don't want to make this into a long entry but one day, we will all stand before God, our Maker, and give an account of our lives. If "the woman you gave me" didn't work since the start of creation, do we think it will work later when we have been shown that it does not work? Even later in the Bible, we read the story of the Old Prophet and the Man of God and the man of God wasn't absolved of what he did simply because the Old prophet told him  to do it (1 Kings 13).

I've come to realize that some women are told by their husbands on how to vote and I'm realizing that some men are told by their fellow humans, pastors or whoever or whatever source, on how to vote. And maybe some wives are telling their husbands who to vote for. I don't know. But regardless of who is telling who what to do, my message to the doer is that your actions are your responsibility. So when someone asks you to do something, it might help to ask:

  • if I were standing before God in judgment, would this person be there to answer for me? 
  • And should choice they are telling me to make wrong, will I go scot-free because the person who told me is my husband or pastor? (Hint: look at Genesis and 3 and 1 Kings 13)
  • Is this person the Lord of my life so that I do what they say?
Your husband (or wife) is not the Lord of your life; neither is your pastor. Let us not turn humans into deities when they have the same power and human capabilities endowed to us all. All men are equal before God. It's only in the Orwellian universe are some... more equal than others. The power of choice in this life is yours. It is important to use that wisely. I don't think it's wise to surrender it to other humans who are trying to figure our this life themselves just like anyone else. Don let others tell you what to do when they will not be held responsible for your actions. I say:  Don't let anyone misuse your life.

Your husband is not the Lord of your life. Neither is your pastor. It is Jesus who said that there is no marriage in heaven (Matthew 22:23 - 32).
I tell you, on that night, two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left.
Luke 17:34 (NIV)
I have personally thought of this as a couple in bed where one is taken and the other isn't. Don't let someone on their way to hell drag you with them. Just because you are married to them doesn't mean you have to end up wherever they end up. "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil 2:12 KJV.

My point is: don't forget who is the Lord of your life. If you are a Christian, it is the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us not make idols out of other humans and let them lord whatever authority over us when it is based on their opinion and in some case, their ignorance - they don't know any better. We learn that no one is a victim or another person's control or influence. Not in Genesis 3 and not in 1 kings 13. Don't let another person misuse  your life. Focus on what is right before God and not what another human convinces you to do. You will one day stand before the Lord of your life, to give an account. You will have to answer for your choices.  "_____ made me do it" isn't an answer. (Fill in the blank).


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